Pakur district is one of the 11 most backward in Jharkhand (one of the UNDAF states) and figures in the list of 100 most backward districts in India. It also figures in the list of 90 Minority centration Districts (MCDs) prepared by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI on the basis of the 2001 census data on population, socio-economic indicators and basic amenities indicators. Through a joint initiative between State Level Rural Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS), established by overnment of Jharkhand, and UNDP, Pakur has been selected as one of the 5 districts for the financial inclusion program. It is also noteworthy that as per the guidelines and parameters of Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Pakur district has been declared as 100% financially included, but the field realities clearly depict that rural poor at large and people living in the remote areas are in need of livelihood opportunities, regularize financial services and life sustaining amenities essential for quality productivity.
Funding partner – JSLPS (Jharkhand state livelihood promotion society)
Goals and objectives – Within the poverty reduction thematic area in Pakur district,
JLKP is one of the implementing partners of UNDP’s Financial Inclusion project who is working with the state governments to facilitate the design and implementation of propoor and inclusive livelihood promotion strategies. The focus is on excluded groups such as women, Schedule Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Minorities, belowthe- poverty line and migrant households and involuntarily displaced people. Recognizing that access to financial services is a crucial lement of livelihood promotion, financial inclusion is an important component of the programme. Operational areas – 9 (Nine) remote and backward villages of Littipara Block of Pakur District is selected namely Bara sarsa, Kamalghati, Jitpur, Chota sarsa, Kukurduba, Phulpahari, Dopahari, Patrapara and Jirli